In a groundbreaking two-day event titled “Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum: From Cloud to Edge to IoT,” industry leaders and experts they were converged to discuss the evolving landscape of computing and its implications for the future. FLUIDOS, a pioneering project at the forefront of cutting-edge technology, made its presence. The FLUIDOS Lead Project Coordinator, Fulvio Risso, presented the project’s core values and vision.
The event, held on May 9 and 10, was a platform to explore the intersection of Cloud, Edge, and the Internet of Things (IoT). With the ever-increasing demand for cloud computing services and the rapid growth of edge computing, the need to efficiently manage services and data across this computing continuum has become paramount. Recognising these challenges, the event aimed to foster discussions and collaborations to address the emerging data processing needs at the edge while highlighting the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.
Fulvio Risso, renowned for his expertise in the field, took center stage to elucidate the value that FLUIDOS brings to the computing continuum. Risso delivered a compelling presentation as the Lead Project Coordinator, articulating FLUIDOS’ mission to enable seamless integration and interoperability between cloud, edge, and IoT devices. The project’s vision aligns with the event’s objectives, emphasizing the need to adapt and innovate in response to evolving technological landscapes.
FLUIDOS, an ambitious undertaking, has pioneered advancements in distributed computing architectures. By focusing on developing open-source solutions and standardised protocols, FLUIDOS aims to remove the barriers hindering the efficient deployment and management of services across the computing continuum. With their deep expertise in cloud, edge, and IoT technologies, FLUIDOS seeks to bridge the gaps and facilitate the smooth flow of data and services in this intricate ecosystem.
Risso’s presentation was met with great enthusiasm from the event attendees, including industry leaders, researchers, and policymakers. His insights shed light on the potential of FLUIDOS to transform the computing continuum, fostering collaboration and innovation among participants. The event provided a unique opportunity for FLUIDOS to showcase its expertise and commitment to advancing the field, and the response was overwhelmingly positive.
As the demand for cloud computing services and edge computing continues to soar, events like the “Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum” serve as critical forums for fostering dialogue and shaping the future of technology. FLUIDOS’ active participation in this event further solidifies its position as one of the 6 MetaOS leading projects in the domain, spearheading advancements that will shape how we interact with and harness the power of computing.