The consortium
To efficiently address all the challenges around the planned objectives and activities, FLUIDOS bring together a consortium of experts from academia and industry in different domains, namely cloud computing and edge computing.
The consortium will define a credible joint exploitation strategy and a sustainability plan considering the high potential and innovation of project outcomes.
This strategy include three key elements:

Open Source Strategy that will establish the parts of the developed outcomes that will be released as open source, the target communities and the governance of the open source project.

Sustainability roadmap to engage partners and stakeholders in the future maintenance and availability of the project outcomes.

Best-suited Business Model for the joint exploitation of FLUIDOS outcomes considering its market analysis and business potential.
To widen the outreach of the FLUIDOS and maximise its impact the Consortium will pursue and ensure close coordination with the EC, the various ongoing relevant H2020 and HE projects/initiatives, as well as any other relevant national and international ones and it will build liaisons and synergies with the EU and National Initiatives and will take advantage from the already extended network of the partners participating actively.