Call for papers MECC 2024

Call for Papers for the 1st International Workshop on MetaOS for the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum

The 1st International Workshop on MetaOS for the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum (MECC 2024) invites contributions from researchers, developers and practitioners working at the intersection of cloud, edge, and IoT, fostering a deeper understanding of how MetaOS can shape the future of computing in this exciting continuum. Join us in this exploration of MetaOS’s potential to redefine…

FLUIDOS Open Call – Information Webinar: Seize the Opportunity for Innovation Funding

FLUIDOS Open Call – Information Webinar: Seize the Opportunity for Innovation Funding

The FLUIDOS Open Call Information Webinar is taking place on January 17th, 11:00-12:00 CET. Find the agenda and register via this link. This informative session is designed to unveil details about a substantial funding opportunity totaling 975,000 EUR. The allocated funding is geared towards companies, primarily SMEs, aiming to validate and advance the FLUIDOS Edge…